Applied Physiology is a specialised stream. Energy is unblocked and the corresponding emotional charges dispersed.

These changes will then allow physiology and anatomy to be restored back to its natural state of health.

The key that is Applied Physiology

The system of Applied Physiology, developed by teacher and researcher Richard D. Utt, is a tool, a key that enables us to unlock the doors to our healer within – our nurturing, trusting, accepting, compassionate, healthy, loving selves.

This approach incorporates healing systems that have been developed and woven together to create a modern, versatile and complete healing modality in its own right.

Applied Physiology allows the practitioner to ascertain imbalances using the alarm points in the meridian systems using the hologram methods developed by Richard D. Utt then applying specific therapy tools required, based on Kinesiology to correct these imbalances.

Only the therapies required by the individual are used. Some examples are acupressure, flower essences, tuning forks, emotional release, structural realignment, cranial release, massage, foot reflexology, colour therapy, nutrition.

Unique applications

Because each person at each instant is unique and has different adaptions and needs, each balance is also unique.  An individual, after receiving a balance feels a sense of well-being, relaxation, and a deeper understanding of themselves, their feelings and their lives.  The practitioners of Applied Physiology assist their clients in seeing that their health is a personal decision.

Applied Physiology is a pathway to ‘all encompassing love’, the source of infinite love that lives inside each of our hearts and minds.  We alone must choose to love ourselves, to help ourselves, to heal ourselves and to be want we want to be.