Once you have completed the Diploma Certification Modules you are entitled to the “Professional Kinesiologist” qualification recognised by the Australian Institute of Kinesiologists Limited.
Professional Kinesiologist Qualification
Diploma Certification:
AP1 to 7 MODULES 13 days each
Kinesiology 650 hours
Anatomy and Physiology 100 hours
Nutrition 35 hours
AP 8 MODULE 4 days
Communication 40 hours
AP 9 MODULE 3 days
Business Management 25 hours
TOTAL 850 hours
AP INTENSIVE Training Classes – Taught in 3 Modules
Intensive 1 – 6 weeks 324 hours
Intensive 2 – 8 weeks 432 hours
Intensive 3 – 1 week 40 hours
Accreditation Requirements 54 hours
Instructor Training 7 Chi Keys 32 hours
AP Instructor Training Modules
AP2 to 4 Instructor per module 64 hours
Instructor Training AP Modules 5 & 7
AP6 & 7 Instructor per module. 40 hours