3 Day Workshop – Attitude with Essence
This three-day workshop introduces the beginning Stress Observation Specialist, to the concept of Ohm’s Law (law of electricity) and its relationship to the Holographic Super-theory. Individuals understand their reality through observance of these laws. This reality is manifested through their attitudes, thoughts and feelings. The conscious, subconscious, and unconscious are stimulated by means of positive affirmations, flower essences, and the sound vibrations of tuning forks to unlock hidden memory. Clients can claim responsibility for their reality once their attitudes come to the surface as beta-level recall.
They can alter life-long patterns in which they have reacted rather than choosing to respond with love. Observing this process brings a new dimension to the work of the practitioner of Applied Physiology. This process brings clarity to the client concerning their distresses, enabling release from negative mental states. A positive change then results in their lives.
Certification: Stress Observation Specialist!
Kinesiology Skills Acquired
- Monitoring Indicator Muscle, Pause Lock technique
- Names of 14 Meridians and location of 14 Meridian Alarm Points
- 7 Holographic Kinesiology Procedures
7 Holographic Kinesiology Procedures
- Sound Hologram – 14 AP Tuning Forks
- Thoughts Hologram – 112 Thought affirmations
- Feelings Hologram – 112 Feeling affirmations
- Attitudes Hologram – 56 Attitudinal affirmations
- Flower Essence Hologram –Australian Bush Flower Essences, Bach Flower Essences and Desert Alchemy Essences
- Holographic Balancing – using all the above modalities.
9am to 4pm daily. 15-minute morning tea break. 1 hour for lunch.
BRISBANE CLASSES: Cherie Hamburger 0401 665 464 cherie@healingwithcherie.com
CASUARINA BEACH CLASSES: Sherril Taylor 0407 024 091 info@iiap.com.au
3-day workshop – $745.00 (Early bird $695.00)
Included in your workshop
- IIAP Hologram Workbook
- Alarm Point chart
- IIAP Technology Workbook
Quote “All Encompassing Love = the total and complete acceptance and implementation of all physical and metaphysical laws of the universe known or unknown.” Richard D. Utt